To underestimate the power of marketing is to subject you to an inevitable and early demise

One of our goals as a consulting organization is to make sure, no matter what projects are brought to us, we innately and instinctively understand how the project will earn its keep and the profit margins expected. In other words, we know that strong finances are the lifeblood of a successful company. Equally as important, but often overlooked, is the inherent immunity that is naturally provided by a strong marketing foundation. Unfortunately, many companies take for granted their ability to insulate and protect their future revenues and profits by not paying close attention to their markets and before too long, the disease of competition or stasis begins to undermine their financial health. As marketing professionals with a strong core competency across the vast range of market processes and talents, we never cease to think about how to sustain an existing market presence, grow it and even develop, yet to be entered new markets. Among the opportunities undertaken for our clients (click on each heading for further details below):
Identified market opportunity for the transport of digital media (video) on the production side of the equation (not distribution side). Quantified TAM (Total Addressable Market), SAM (Service Addressable Market) & SOM (Service Obtainable Market), collating the data into an actionable GTM model that utilized a $3MM corporate investment, lead to $16MM in revenue within three years and created a $42MM book of business.
Analyzed existing video business model within the commercial ad delivery market and developed a $450MM industry consolidation play to deliver an 85 – 90% marketshare in the digital and tape-based ad fulfillment market. With a planned simultaneous divestiture of the tape and the sports operations, the net acquisition cost of the consolidation play would have mitigated to $150MM. This resulted in revenues in excess of $200MM from Q3 in the first year.
Given that it is only a matter of time before 4K and 8K video streaming (distribution side – B2C) will become the norm across OTT networks, we ask the question, does it makes sense to develop a production side network infrastructure that can support the B2B transport of uncompressed content (4K, 24-bit/60FPS streams = 36.75Gbps and 8K, 24-bit/60FPS = 70.5Gbps)? The answer is yes. After analyzing the challenge, we’ve developed both the business and market model for implementing a scalable network infrastructure that takes advantage of today’s technology without breaking the bank for either the investor or, ultimately, the customer.
Identified game changing technology leading to the launch of 2 cutting edge editorial companies. Leveraged new computer technology to dramatically improve the TV/Film editorial process; trained 1000+ editors in the new technology.
Discovered untapped, non-urban market of potential customers – the majority were high net worth families and businessess. Developed infrastructure, services, and supporting technologies to cater to unmet demand; grew the market share from 2% to 18% market share in 12 months.
Re-defined online, digital market niches and uncovered synergies across linguistically similar but geographically dispersed groups; restructured marketing efforts from country to global basis (based on language & culture). Delivered a 10% increase in revenue within the first 60 days.
To support the launch of a new media & entertainment division within a print & publishing company, devised a GTM strategy to entice studios, production companies, broadcast TV and other related operations to sign onto a privately managed media network. Within 6 months, successfully signed up 109 of 150 Tier 1 facilities (out of 5000 identified). The new division served as the core of $13MM in annualized revenue.
Developed GTM strategy for an online marketing portal intended to serve creative professionals. Prior to launch, contacted well-known creative professionals to showcase their work on this new emerging platform on a city-by-city basis, starting with the top five advertising cities (NY, LA, SF, Chicago and Detroit). The response to this approach was overwhelmingly positive – while still in stealth mode, prior to the official launch, the company was acquired by an online creative marketing/publishing company.
Conducted analysis for socializing new technology into a well-entrenched market, how to develop what would be a new way of editing (nonlinear) over the traditional linear tape or film methods. Acquired cutting-edge technology, developed co-marketing relationship with the technology company and established a free training program for developing north of 1000 freelance editors. This approach enabled company to become the standard bearer for the new editorial paradigm.
Evaluated a 17-year old, non-focused brand and re-defined its market from US expats to a broader niche market (International Lifestyle). Analyzed competitors’ brand awareness, promise, and elements and designed/developed an upgraded international brand and supporting style guide.
In a crowded market, analyzed the 100+ local providers to analyze what was being offered, their pricing model, the look, feel and service promise associated with the various brands; all to established a single, contrary standout brand that would quickly overtake the existing market. Within 12 months, the new brand, became the single largest provider of broadband services within its marketplace.
Developed brand and business model around educating and curating entrepreneurial talent. Developed brand platform that closely aligned three separate but connected market segments, based on extensive product/market fit and cohort analysis with investors, entrepreneurs and customers. Established market message to support brand philosophy and identity with an emphasis on building a long-term sustainable and defensible brand position. Most surprising was the extraordinarily high support afforded by investors in support of this ‘curated entrepreneur’ model.