Discovered untapped, non-urban market of potential customers – the majority were high net worth families and businessess. Developed infrastructure, services, and supporting technologies to cater to unmet demand; grew the market share from 2% to 18% market share in 12 months.
Re-defined online, digital market niches and uncovered synergies across linguistically similar but geographically dispersed groups; restructured marketing efforts from country to global basis (based on language & culture). Delivered a 10% increase in revenue within the first 60 days.
Discovered untapped, non-urban market of potential customers – the majority were high net worth families and businessess. Developed infrastructure, services, and supporting technologies to cater to unmet demand; grew the market share from 2% to 18% market share in 12 months.
Re-defined online, digital market niches and uncovered synergies across linguistically similar but geographically dispersed groups; restructured marketing efforts from country to global basis (based on language & culture). Delivered a 10% increase in revenue within the first 60 days.